Friday, August 21, 2009

14 Days Acne Cure Honest Review

The 14 Days Acne Cure is an all natural method to eradicate acne. It speaks about using natural remedies in such a way to get rid of acne completely within 14 days. It is developed by Casey Gentles who claims that it is very safe, effective and easy to use.

On his website, Casey says he was a former sufferer of acne from early in his teens and struggled with it for many years. The turnaround point occur when he finally developed the cure and he has been acne free for more than 3 years and counting. The other amazing fact is that he has shared is solution with people all over the world and more than 90% had similar results.

Official 14 Days Acne Cure Website >>

It's Ability To Cure Acne

Acne is a worldwide problem that not only causes physical pain but also emotional pain as well. It can be very frustration and finding the right cure is not an easy task. Many people have spent thousands of dollars for dermatologist visits as well as for over the counter drugs but still have not seen and improvement in their skin's condition. The fact is, one medication may work well for one person but have absolutely no effect on another and this is one of the key points made by Casey on his website.

The 14 Days Acne Cure on the other hand focus on a total body cleanse. It has a unique all natural approach which cleanse you from with. Based on testimonials from unbiased sources, the 14 Days Acne seems to work well. From our research w'd say a 90 - 95% success rate.

Also, to make things better, Casey has stressed that this solution is 100% natural, safe and drug free. This not only help to clear acne but has a tremendous impact on make you healthier overall.

Ease Of Use

The instructions in the manual is in a step by step format. From going through the book, you will get background information and and overview of the regime. Then you will get a detailed step by step action plan for you to carry out within14 days. Everything is in simple and easy to understand terms. What I liked most is that besides giving you the instructions, Casey also explain why you should do each step and why they work.

I am yet to hear anyone having a hard time understanding the step by step instructions. Bear in mind though that in order for the method to work you have to stay focus and follow the methods through. This is a proven way to cure acne.

Customer Support

On the 14 Days website, Casey and his support team promises to be open to all suggestion, criticism, and will answer your emails withing 24 hours. As a test, we sent an email and to our surprise we got a reply sooner that we thought. Therefore we have to be honest and conclude that their support is 100% top notch.


If you have been suffering from acne and want an all natural cure then 14 Days Acne Cure is the way to go. Though this is relative new (just a few months old), many persons are already having tremoundous success with the cure. You can even read some of the testimonials on the website.
Besides, if you are not 100% satisfied Casey offers a Full 60 Days Money Back Guarantee.

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